Friday, March 6, 2009

set me free

from these chains holding me...

It was a prayer i started... it's been almost 2 years ago. It was the good friday of 2007. It seems so close yet so far away. i hadn't had a very, shall we say, productive lent. when i woke up on that friday morning, the 6th of april 2007, i bowed down and ask for god's forgiveness for the utter state of distance from him. i don't remember how, but i got a song from casting crowns called "set me free." i made a lenten mp3 cd to listen on my way to the one class i had that day, engineering geology. it turned out that for some reason or other, the only song that was working on the cd i made was "set me free." i thought to myself, "that's fine, i like this song and i'll pray it on my way to school."

the short version of the story goes 15 minutes into my drive, i wound up staring down traffic on the 57 freeway just south of the 91, my car crippled in the carpool lane--butt end forward and wedged onto the center divider.

i was thankful to walk away with my life and body intact, but i had no idea what implications that event had triggered. today i fully realize how god has set me free starting on that day.

stay tuned for the next blog where i detail the major changes in my life from the time of my crash. in the mean time, enjoy this song by casting crowns and have a very fruitful lent, may Christ's peace be with you.