Friday, March 27, 2009


gives you courage to overcome life's obstacles.

i had a very humbling experience when i opened up my inbox today. sometimes you keep a blind eye to people who may look up to you, trying not to inflate your ego. but you can't really do that, because someone who looks up to you... looks up to you. we lead each other.

i haven't been very proud of myself lately... heck, when am I ever proud. but there's a definite bit of peace that i'm lacking. it's not school, family, church or any one subject that's bogging me down. it's balance that i seek! i am terrible at balancing things out. i try to stay level but i've never had good balance. i've been devoting so much to school, that everything else seems to be going to heck.

i guess i've tried to make up for that during this spring break. i've spent time with family, friends, neighbors. i've done some cleaning, some fixing, and too much eating. now it's time for me to start to get back into the school groove, because it's gonna come up on me like a raging tiger! so in a couple of minutes i'll be working on a sewer interceptor design, yum!

i owe thanks to those who 'look up to me' and to those i look up to... you guys give me courage, and remind me to find my center once i wander off.