Friday, March 27, 2009

No more lowercase!

hahaha I just looked up how to disable the all-lowercase text that my template had. I'm such a noob =).


gives you courage to overcome life's obstacles.

i had a very humbling experience when i opened up my inbox today. sometimes you keep a blind eye to people who may look up to you, trying not to inflate your ego. but you can't really do that, because someone who looks up to you... looks up to you. we lead each other.

i haven't been very proud of myself lately... heck, when am I ever proud. but there's a definite bit of peace that i'm lacking. it's not school, family, church or any one subject that's bogging me down. it's balance that i seek! i am terrible at balancing things out. i try to stay level but i've never had good balance. i've been devoting so much to school, that everything else seems to be going to heck.

i guess i've tried to make up for that during this spring break. i've spent time with family, friends, neighbors. i've done some cleaning, some fixing, and too much eating. now it's time for me to start to get back into the school groove, because it's gonna come up on me like a raging tiger! so in a couple of minutes i'll be working on a sewer interceptor design, yum!

i owe thanks to those who 'look up to me' and to those i look up to... you guys give me courage, and remind me to find my center once i wander off.

Friday, March 20, 2009


bicycles & the angels

my ubsehshun. dammit, i hate ubsehshuns.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

strength comes

and goes. strength comes from within. strength comes from above. strength comes from below. strength comes from without. strength comes.

heart ache makes my heart ache.

hey world, why are you so troubled? wish there were more i could do to help, but i'm just one. i do what i can... but sometimes i'm not so sure... wish there were more...

A collection of poems

here are some poems i had written a while back... i should write poems more often... or should i not? you be the judge.

Death is part of nature’s prose.

As I sit by her side, I can see the light go from her eyes.
All at once I feel like a parent consoling a child. A man losing his wife. A child losing his mother.
I just sit by her side and watch her wait as her body fails.
The life in her is faltering.
I sit by her side and hold her hand.
Can you see it in my eyes? I wish to tell you we'll meet again.
We'll meet again.

self loathe



ok so that was just two poems... off my old myspace blogs. i enjoy them.

"we never get good pictures together"

damn straight...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

[canceled] set me free pt. 2

I wanted to make a nice blog about this (see 2 blogs down), but I am not so sure. I plan on doing a talk on this some time in the future and will unload then & there. The low down, however, is a message about freedom, how it's misunderstood today. How i gained it, and what i choose to do with it.

it's now time for me to study groundwater. have a blessed day.


Friday, March 13, 2009

it gets difficult at night

when you're all alone with just thoughts & memories. faults & failures before you

tonight I just pray for peace.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

be a man

i wonder why we are so captivated by pretty faces, the allure of shiny things. is it social conditioning, or something that's wired in us? if the latter, why?

i say this because i'm sick and tired of seeing people chase shallow things. everyone seeks something deeper. i don't give a crap what you say. no matter who you are, you are seeking something deep. but of course if you are denying this, perhaps there is a fear associated with your denying. this makes sense, going deep is a huge investment. the more we invest in something, the more that we're going to naturally expect out of it.

i'm really far too lazy right now to flesh out my thoughts. but dammit does it frustrate me! err... i need a nap.

Friday, March 6, 2009

set me free

from these chains holding me...

It was a prayer i started... it's been almost 2 years ago. It was the good friday of 2007. It seems so close yet so far away. i hadn't had a very, shall we say, productive lent. when i woke up on that friday morning, the 6th of april 2007, i bowed down and ask for god's forgiveness for the utter state of distance from him. i don't remember how, but i got a song from casting crowns called "set me free." i made a lenten mp3 cd to listen on my way to the one class i had that day, engineering geology. it turned out that for some reason or other, the only song that was working on the cd i made was "set me free." i thought to myself, "that's fine, i like this song and i'll pray it on my way to school."

the short version of the story goes 15 minutes into my drive, i wound up staring down traffic on the 57 freeway just south of the 91, my car crippled in the carpool lane--butt end forward and wedged onto the center divider.

i was thankful to walk away with my life and body intact, but i had no idea what implications that event had triggered. today i fully realize how god has set me free starting on that day.

stay tuned for the next blog where i detail the major changes in my life from the time of my crash. in the mean time, enjoy this song by casting crowns and have a very fruitful lent, may Christ's peace be with you.