Thursday, May 5, 2011

a fire in my soul

God, you've put a fire in my soul. With each and every person who's come into my life, you teach me a lesson, new or old.

I had another dream about my God father James Le again. It was like he had never left. I imagined him a little bit older, a little more lines on his face, the hair on his head a bit more thin.

It seems when I dream about him, it's because I am stressed out, or even fearful--afraid that I have taken the wrong path. Afraid that I had left my family and friends behind for too long, or perhaps, that I would just end up a failure. But those dreams I have are bittersweet medicine. I wake up with a twang in my heart from the longing of loved ones I can no longer be near, but I grow in courage, in resolve.

James taught me many lessons. Some of them were spoken, but the magnitude and direction of his life speaks mountains to me. It's a bit cheesy, but these are the words his life spoke to me:

Thanks, Pops, for the lessons and the courage to go on. I miss you, but we'll have our time again some day.