Friday, September 12, 2008

It's been a while

At least it's felt that way. School has taken a toll on me. So much has happened this summer, I can barely catch my breath just thinking about it. I just wanted to make an update so people (if there are people reading) know that I'm alive and kicking.

I've mentioned it before, but being so busy with school has made me feel so isolated from those I love. I've felt so detached and, to be honest, it's almost harder each day to cope with the idea that James no longer walks this Earth. I think there are several reasons for this. First of all, since summer school has been just so much, I really haven't had time to grieve. Second, I have so little contact with his family and friends and that just brings about a certain despair. I am worried, I always think about his friends, my friends... friends that were so close to Jims... it's heart wrenching even now. But sometimes just hearing from them gives my soul such a boost. It's like after a big shipwreck, you can hear the other survivors saying "I'm here, I'm alive" and that's what you need to have hope. I think one of the most difficult things to overcome is loneliness. I know God is with me, but when my spirit's looking down, it's a bit difficult to see Him.

Anywhos, that's enough for now. Hopefully more organized and articulate thoughts to come. To anyone out there reading, I love you and wish you the very best.



KhanhTran said...

well, uhh. I kind of love you too :)
and very very proud of you .

September 13, 2008 at 11:19 PM